Gate Valve 1 1/2″ Reducer Flange Kit


Gate Valve Reducer Flange Kit allows 3″ Gate Valve to be used with 1.5″ piping.  Includes 2 reducer flanges, one for each side of the valve plus detailed instructions.

Gate Valve Reducer Flange Kit includes 2 reducer flanges and detailed instructions that explain how much pipe to remove.   Allows 3" Gate Valve to be used with 1.5" piping.  Order one kit per valve that will be installed on 1.5 in. piping.  Typically gray water valves are 1.5 in. and black water is 3 in.

Blog Article:  Dump Valve Size and Why We Don't Make an 1.5 in. Valve


1 1/2″ Reducer Kit Installation Instructions are covered in document link below:

DM35 1 1/2″ Reducer Kit Installation

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